150 thousand

Registered Brand

7.8 million

Number of Individual Members

20 million

Visitors in the Last 30 Days

70 million

Monthly Page Views

Brand Page

Get Attention in Search results

The complaint brand page appears at the top of the search results and millions of people visit the site every month.

Strengthen Your Online Reputation

In searches about your brand, your satisfaction score, stars and resolved complaints in Complaints come to the fore. This increases the visibility and reliability of your brand.

Communicate Directly
With Your Customers.

Every month, millions of visitors get an idea by reading the
complaints and the answers of the brands and make their
shopping decisions accordingly.
You can easily track all complaints from the Complaints
management panel, and instantly communicate with your customers.

You Drive the Change

You can follow the number of complaints, customer evaluations
regarding the solution and the changes in your satisfaction
score, and compare them with previous periods.

Special for Professionals

Do Competitor Analysis

You can compare your brand's success in complaint management with your competitors and brands in other sectors, and you can see where you stand in the competition with numerical data. You can analyze the complaint data of your competitors and use this data to develop strategies for your potential customers.

Brand we work with

3.000 member brands

Increase both satisfaction and your customers with the corporate membership of the complaint.

Contact us to take advantage of membership benefits.